Thanks to the Reddit degenerates, $AMC had billionaires shedding tears on live TV as they found themselves cornered for betting against the unstoppable rise of AMC stock. A true David and Goliath moment, where the little guys showed the Wall Street giants the power of unity and resilience

IT'S ABOUT TIME! History repeats itself, but now on the SolChain Thanks to the relentless spirit of $AMC community, We'll rewrite the financial narrative on the SolChain

Meet $$AMC

The crypto meme coin that flips the script on the infamous Rektember. In a world where September spells trouble for the crypto industry, with Bitcoin having a history of being in the red for seven out of nine Septembers, $AMC stands as a beacon of hope as October witnessed Bitcoin in the green seven times out of nine, with just two exceptions in 2018 and 2019. This crypto meme coin embodies the spirit of resilience, optimism, and a belief in better days ahead. As we bid farewell to Rektember, $AMC emerges as a symbol of positive change and a reminder that sometimes, the tides of fortune can shift in our favor.


Contract Address


Total Supply



Ownership Renounced

Liquidity Burned